My Carrd ! oooX

Hellloooo!! i am a silly lil person on the internet!! This card will contain most of the things you'll need to know about me!!

My Carrd ! oooX

Before You Interact ! ! !

1 . Use Tone tags if your sentence could have multiple tones!!
2. Be patient with me.
3. I have Social Anxiety, and may not answer your messages if i'm too scared to.
4. Read my DNI please. >>
5. I use emoticons including :3 a lot

DNI ! ! !

1 . Z00phil3 / P3d0phil3
2. Racists
3. Zionists
4. Islamophobes
5. Sexist
6. Anti-LGBTQ+ (not supporting is ok but harrasing is not)
7. Sexist
8. Pro-Ship / Com-Ship
9. Animal Abusers
10. Anti-Kin / Anti-Therian (or any type of Alterhuman, for that matter) (like LGBTQ+, not supporting is ok, harrasing is not)
11. Anti-Fur (like above)
12. Anyone who condones or supports anything from the above
13. idk i'll block you if i don't like you

My Carrd ! oooX

Introduction :3 (Copy n Pasted from tumblr)

if you haven't, pls read BYF section first!!

★ My name is Chippy (Chip is fine too)
★ She/her pronouns are preferred but any pronouns are ok MINUS neopronouns
★ No nsfw pls
★ Don't expect me to talk much i'm very introverted
★ Straight

My Carrd ! oooX

if you haven't, pls read BYF section first!!


★ Otherhearted + Fictionhearted
★ Hearttypes :
• for animals: Cats, Hyenas, Manuls/Pallas cats and Binturongs/Bearcats
• for fiction: Spearmaster from Rain World


★ Fandoms:
• Rain world, Clangen, Warrior cats, Wolfquest, Lion king, Wolvden/Lioden, Wolfwalkers

Music taste

★ i REALLY like Madilyn Mei's music
★ i used to be a hardcore Melanie Martinez fan but not rlly anymore
★ my music taste is everywhere
★ i usually listen to Pop music but only specific genres


★ i also REALLY love cats
★ i have a cat named PBH!
★ PBH means Poopy Butthole (i'm so sorry)
★ PBH has 5 kittens (i gave away 2)
★ the remaining kittens names are Cally, Biggie and Kiko
★ they have alt names too (Little rat, Giant mop and Automobile)


★ i draw sometimes
★ i also animate but very rarely
★ i've been drawing for 4 years
★ if it's traditional art i usually only do doodles
★i also write
★i'm to embarrased to show my writing